Four-Star Library ★★★★

Wright named 4-star libraryWright Memorial Public Library earned a four-star rating in the 2019 Library Journal Star Library Report, ranking 19th overall among libraries of its size in the nation. 

This is the second consecutive four-star rating for Wright Library. The Library Journal index, based on 2017 statistics, measures how much the local community uses key services of their public library compared to peer libraries. The five services measured are circulation, visits, program attendance, public internet use, and Wi-Fi sessions. 

Wright Library ranked 19th overall of the 1,251 libraries evaluated in its expenditure category ($1 million – $4.9 million).

“We are very pleased to be recognized again this year as a 4-Star Library,” said Library Director Kristi Hale. “This designation is an affirmation that Wright Library is delivering on its mission, and that the services we provide are highly valued by the Oakwood community.”

Wright Library earned the four-star rating for the first time in 2018. Previously, the library earned three-star ratings in 2017, 2010, 2009, 2008.

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