Online Access to Dayton Daily News & More

Wright Library patrons have free digital access to newspapers including:

  • Dayton Daily News (1990-present)
  • New York Times
  • Wall Street Journal
  • America's News (news sources across the nation)

Find all our newspapers from the menu above under Find... > More eMedia > Newspapers.

Shortcuts can also be found in our site footer, and in Wright Library's Mobile App under Online Resources.

Access the Dayton Daily News

Search current and archived issues 1990 through present, with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.

Tutorial on how to search Newsbank resources


the wall street journal logo

Access the Wall Street Journal

To activate a 3-day pass for Wall Street Journal's online content:

  1. Enter your library card number and PIN. (Account PIN is often last 4 digits of your phone number)
  2. Create a free WSJ account or sign into an existing WSJ account.

When your pass expires after 3 days, simply come back and activate another pass using the same WSJ account.

*Access is for Wright Library cardholders only; sign-on credentials may not be shared.

New York Times logo

Access the New York Times

Redeem a 24-hour pass providing unlimited access to the New York Times online. After 24-hours, simply come back and redeem the access code again.

Registering for a free New York Times account is required for full access. You will need to either log in to an existing account or create a new account (which can be done easily using your existing Facebook or Google credentials).

Access America's News

Search current and past content from sources across the U.S. including regional papers such as Columbus Dispatch and Akron Beacon Journal, national news magazines like Newsweek, National Review, and The Atlantic, plus transcripts of popular TV and radio news programs.

Overview of America's News database


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