Meeting Room Accessibility

mobile phone displays the ListenWIFI app

ListenWIFI: Assisted Listening Options

For a better listening experience, Wright Library offers ListenWIFI, an innovative Wi-Fi streaming solution that allows people to use their smartphones or a venue-provided receiver to access audio for assistive or personal listening. If you are planning to attend a library program in the Community Room, talk to a Librarian about setting up ListenWIFI ahead of time. Once it's set up, you are ready for a better listening experience at all future programs. 

How ListenWIFI Works:

  • Download the ListenWIFI app to your smartphone or tablet (for Android or iPhone) or request to use the Wright Library ListenWIFI receiver prior to attending a Wright Library program.
  • Connect to the the Wright Library public WIFI network (WMPL WiFi).
  • Open the app and choose “connect to the devices on the local network.” 
  • Connect your headphones directly or through BlueTooth. 
  • Tap the audio channel highlighted in blue to start your better listening experience.

ListenWIFI provides personal sound amplification of the room audio, so you don't miss what presenters are saying. 

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