Codebreakers Series: About

Images representing codebreaking during WWII: soldier with an Enigma machine, rotors, WAVES handing decyphered message to military personnel

Exhibit - Breaking the Code: Dayton's Secret Role in WWII

This exhibit explores the profound connection between cryptology in WWII and Dayton, Ohio - a topic largely unknown to the general public. The full extent of Oakwood's Joseph Desch's groundbreaking work, the WAVES stationed at Sugar Camp, or the operations conducted in NCR's "Building 26" is outlined in this exhibit at Wright Library.

Made possible with support from the National Cryptologic Museum, Oakwood Unsung Heroes, National Aviation Heritage Area honoring Montgomery County as an American WWII Heritage designation, and Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation.

Codebreakers Program Series

Wright Library invites you to a series of programs on cryptology - the creation and decryption of secret codes. Watch all programs at Wright Library livestreamed from the National Cryptologic Museum or register to watch virtually.

Upcoming Programs

Visit the Wright Library Calendar for upcoming Codebreakers programs

Join us!

In-person - Wright Library Community Room (seating limited to 80, first-come, first-seated)

ZOOM option available - please register to receive your ZOOM link


Past Programs


Additional Resources


Books about Codebreakers


Codebreakers in the Movies


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