
1776 Far Hills Avenue Oakwood, Ohio 45419 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit #248 2023-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN Community feedback guided Wright Library’s new strategic plan, which will navigate operations through 2026. With the library’s mission and core values at the forefront, Wright Library will continue to enhance services to the Oakwood community in important and unexpected ways. For a complete view of the plan, visit: FIVE KEY GOALS satisfy CURIOSITY optimize ASSETS create young LEARNERS be a COMMUNITY hub CELEBRATE people & ideas The community will have the resources they need to explore topics of personal interest and continue learning throughout their lives. The library will have robust resources and programs for the educational and personal growth of children and teenagers. The library will serve as a community hub with accessible virtual and physical spaces that offer safe and welcoming opportunities to meet, interact, work, and enjoy. The library will celebrate people and ideas by offering opportunities to encounter a broad range of ideas, lived experiences, and cultures. The library will analyze, streamline, and update organizational processes and services to improve patron and staff experiences.