Anti-racism 101 Webinar Series

Wright Library offers opportunities for education and discussion on race and other divisive and political issues in our world. The library does not endorse any political party or candidate, or their political position. The opinions of attendees and speakers are their own, and do not represent the library.

Anti-racism 101: Anti-racism is the practice of actively fighting against racism. Explore the basic tenants of anti-racism with Dr. Michaela Null of SURJ-OH (Showing Up for Racial Justice-Ohio). Learn about systemic racism, whiteness, white supremacy, and more in this 4-part series. Previously recorded. Available now for on-demand viewing.

** Dr. Null's Resources for Anti-racist Action **

** Sociology of Racism by Matthew Clair et al. **                                  | Other Perspectives on Anti-racism |

** Oakwood Inclusion Coalition (OIC) **


  • Understanding Whiteness
  • What is whiteness, and why do we need to talk about it in order to fight racism? This workshop will define whiteness, explore systemic racism, and explain how whiteness fits into the history of racism.  Learn how examining whiteness and noticing it at work in society brings new perspectives to America's racial issues. Presented September 29, 2020. Presentation slides


  • Beyond Colorblindness
  • Colorblindness or "not seeing color" may seem like the best path to racial justice, but anti-racists argue that "not seeing race" means not seeing racism. This presentation will uncover how so-called racial 'colorblindness' reinforces racism rather than remedying it and lay out a different path for fighting racism. (Note: the video shared during the presentation had to be removed from the recording due to copyright. It can be viewed here: The Word - Neutral Man's Burden) Presented October 28, 2020. Presentation slides


  • White Supremacy: A Deeper Look
  • The term "White Supremacy" has long been used to describe the Ku Klux Klan and other racist fringe movements. Today the term is more often applied to our society at large and racial hierarchies preserved within it. This workshop will delve into and challenge widespread and often unspoken assumptions we have about race.(Note: the video shared during the presentation had to be removed from the recording due to copyright. It can be viewed here: Nina Simone Backlash Blues Presented January 26, 2021. Presentation slides


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