Notes on Wright Library’s services, collection, and community

Collection Feature:  Fast ReadsFast Read Collection

It's easier than ever to find the popular titles you want to read.  The FAST READS collection now has a longer borrowing period and a broader selection of new and popular titles. FAST READS now have a 14 day, non-renewable loan period and are first come first serve (i.e. no holds, no renewals). Plus, we’ve slashed overdue fines on this collection to 50 cents per day. Enjoy!


THANK YOU DONORS!Wright Library Foundation announces Annual Campaign success  Feb. 15, 2023

Thanks to the generosity of more than 280 donors, the Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation is pleased to announce it raised $58,863 in its 2022 Annual Campaign. 

“We are so grateful to the community of donors that support Wright Library,” said Foundation board member Juliet Glaser. “Their generosity makes it possible for people of all ages to participate and enjoy library services and programs throughout the year. 

The money supports high-impact programs and services that go beyond the library’s modest operating budget. Foundation grants have supported programs such as the library’s live music series, writing workshops, the after hours holds pick up locker, live theater performances, subscriptions to services like Morningstar, early childhood learning toys, and books awarding achievements in summer reading. Next month’s live penguin program from the Newport Aquarium is funded by a Foundation grant. 

“This year's annual campaign makes it possible for the library to continue providing the high caliber programs and offerings that help make Wright library such a special place in our community,” Glaser said. 

To learn more, visit wrightlibrary.org/foundation

Bonus on lots of signs Enjoy Hoopla and Kanopy bonus borrows this December!  Dec. 14, 2022

For the month of December, Wright Library is offering bonus borrowing credits for Hoopla (12 instead of 10) and Kanopy (10 instead of 9).

Stream movies, music, books, and more. Login with your card to access to these vast online services.

Get started: 

Hoopla - Stream Movies and Music. 

Kanopy - Stream Movies and TV Series. 

lego pieces Text: lego gingerbread housesBuild a gingerbread house out of LEGOs  Dec. 9, 2022

This Foundation-Powered Event begins on Dec. 17!

All ages are welcome to stop by the Children's Area Dec. 17, through Jan. 8, to build gingerbread houses with themed LEGOs provided by a grant from the the Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation

Grants from the Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation make special events, like the Write@Wright writer workshop series, and needed services, like the Holds Pickup Locker, possible throughout the year.

Consider making a donation to the Foundation today. 

Donate online through the Dayton Foundation >>

stack of books measuring above $20,000 but below the dec. 31 goal:$40,000 foundation 2022 annual campaignThe Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation Campaign is underway Nov. 10, 2022

With a little more than a month and a half left until the end of the 2022 Annual Campaign, the Library Foundation has raised 26,000 towards it's  $40,000 goal.

All donations to the library foundation go to Wright Library and help fund services and programs that the library would be unable to offer otherwise. Recent projects the Foundation supported include:

Summer reading club book prizes | Holds pickup locker | Morningstar Investing database | Native Gardens | Write@Wright writing series | Community Open House | Outdoor theater performances | Wright Library Music  Services

Make a donation to support lifelong education in the heart of Oakwood. Donate now>>

book cover and picture of the author The road from RaqqaAuthor, journalist Jordan Ritter Conn to speak at Wright Library Fri., Nov. 11 at 5 p.m.   Nov. 7, 2022

Ritter Conn will discuss his book the “Road from Raqqa: A Story of Brotherhood, Borders, and Belonging” the Dayton Literary Peace Prize 2021 Runner Up for Nonfiction 

Jordan Ritter Conn needed a translator. 

He had just returned from a reporting trip to Syria on assignment to cover a soccer team made up of rebel soldiers and Syrian refugees. 

Back home in Nashville, he sought the help of Syrian restaurant owner Riyad Alkasem. 

As they grew to know each other, Ritter Conn discovered another compelling story: one about Alkasem himself, and his brother, Bashar, who was still living in Syria. He told their story in his first book, The Road from Raqqa: A Story of Brotherhood, Borders, and Belonging, which was named the runner up for nonfiction in the 2021 Dayton Literary Peace Prize.

Ritter Conn will share the story of writing the book, what he learned, and more at an upcoming author’s visit at Wright Memorial Public Library Friday, Nov. 11 at 5 p.m. 

In The Road from Raqqa, Ritter Conn tells the story of the Alkasem brothers, Riyad and Bashar, who spend their childhood in Raqqa, the Syrian city that would later become the capital of ISIS. Riyad left in the 1980s, after witnessing the Hama massacre. Bashar stays and builds a legal career under the same corrupt Assad government that Riyad despises. 

“I was just captivated by both of their stories: one of this man who had left as an immigrant decades before and who loved America loved his new home, but still longed for this place that he had left behind,” he said. “And then his younger brother who had stayed in that home, stayed in that city, and kind of chose the life that Riyad, the older brother had had left, and then all these years later, he had been forced to leave. I felt like the two of them showed two different, very different, kinds of immigration stories, one about leaving home and finding a new home by choice and one being forced to flee and to leave as a refugee.”

Last year, Ritter Conn visited Dayton as an honoree during the Dayton Literary Peace Prize award gala. This year, he will be a presenter at the 2022 event, along with visiting Wright Library. 

He’s eager to return. Last year was “magical,” and one of the best experiences of publishing his book, he said.

“I think there's something incredibly special about getting to be in a place with other people who care about books and care about reading and care about the work that we do as authors as much as I and the other authors there too,” Ritter Conn said.

The Dayton Literary Peace Prize, inaugurated in 2006, is the first and only annual U.S. literary award recognizing the power of the written word to promote peace. This is Wright Library’s first year of hosting an author visit.

Ritter Conn works for The Ringer, an online platform for stories and podcasts about Sports, pop culture, and tech. His podcast, Sonic Boom, was named one of the Top 50 podcasts of 2019 by The Atlantic and was nominated for a Webby Award. 

He recently completed a podcast series on Len Bias, the American basketball player who died of a drug overdose two days after being drafted number two in the 1986 draft. 

“I’m telling his story, which is in many ways just a pure basketball story about this incredible talent who was lost too soon,” Ritter Conn said. “But it's also a story about race and power and politics in this country.” 

A graduate of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and Lee University, 
Ritter Conn has built a career telling stories about sports, culture, and national and international affairs. He’s previously worked at Grantland and ESPN: The Magazine, and also written for The New York Times, Sports Illustrated, and other publications. 

His journalism has included both national and international coverage: from writing about the protest movement in Hong Kong and the refugee experience on the Turkey-Syria border to features on the survivors of the Pulse nightclub shooting and about the police killings of Tamir Rice and Breonna Taylor. He also wrote a dispatch from Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign and spent months embedding with a snake-handling church in rural Kentucky.

Ritter Conn is now working on his second book, writing about masculinity in America. As he did in The Road from Raqqa, he is sharing intimate stories of ordinary people’s lives. 

“In this book, it is the story of several men from different backgrounds and experiences around the country, all of whom have some kind of central tension in their life that deals with their relationship to masculinity and into gender,” he said. 

If you go
The event, held in partnership with the Dayton Literary Peace Prize, is free and open to the public 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. Nov. 11 at Wright Memorial Public Library, 1776 Far Hills Avenue, Oakwood, Ohio, 45419. 

About The Road From Raqqa

The Alkasem brothers, Riyad and Bashar, spend their childhood in Raqqa, the Syrian city that would later become the capital of ISIS. As a teenager in the 1980s, Riyad witnesses the devastating aftermath of the Hama massacre—an atrocity that the Hafez al-Assad regime commits upon its people. Wanting to expand his notion of government and justice, Riyad moves to the United States to study law, but his plans are derailed and he eventually falls in love with a Southern belle. They move to a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee, where they raise two sons and where Riyad opens a restaurant—Café Rakka—cooking the food his grandmother used to make. But he finds himself confronted with the darker side of American freedoms: the hardscrabble life of a newly arrived immigrant, enduring bigotry, poverty, and loneliness. Years pass, and at the height of Syria’s civil war, fearing for his family’s safety halfway across the world, he risks his own life by making a dangerous trip back to Raqqa. 

Bashar, meanwhile, is in Syria. After his older brother moves to America, Bashar embarks on a brilliant legal career under the same corrupt Assad government that Riyad despises. Reluctant to abandon his comfortable (albeit conflicted) life, he fails to perceive the threat of ISIS until it’s nearly too late.

The Road from Raqqa brings us into the lives of two brothers bound by their love for each other and for the war-ravaged city they call home. It’s about a family caught in the middle of the most significant global events of the new millennium, America’s fraught but hopeful relationship to its own immigrants, and the toll of dictatorship and war on everyday families. It’s a book that captures all the desperation, tenacity, and hope that come with the revelation that we can find home in one another when the lands of our forefathers fail us.

About Jordan Ritter Conn

Jordan Ritter Conn writes narrative features about sports, culture, and national and international affairs. He’s previously worked at Grantland and ESPN: The Magazine. I’ve also written for The New York Times, Sports Illustrated, and a number of other outlets.

He’s twice been a finalist for the Livingston Award, for his story The Defender: Manute Bol’s Journey from Sudan to the NBA and Back Again  and for his story A Death in Valdosta. His podcast, Sonic Boom, was named one of the Top 50 podcasts of 2019 by The Atlantic and was nominated for a Webby Award. His piece The End of the Hoop Dream was named among the Top 10 stories of 2015 by Longform.org.

He’s reported on the protest movement in Hong Kong, the refugee experience on the Turkey-Syria border, the aftermath of civil war in Ivory Coast, and the independence movement in what is now South Sudan. In the United States, he’s written features about survivors of the Pulse nightclub shooting and about the police killings of Tamir Rice and Breonna Taylor. He also wrote a dispatch from Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign and spent months embedding with a snake-handling church in rural Kentucky.

Ritter Conn is a graduate of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and Lee University.

Team captians by library front door

Meet your Wright Library Book Pedalers Tour de Gem Captains Mary Crockett and Caitlin Benton Sept. 13, 2022

They are Oakwood residents passionate about books and bikes!

Reach out via email at wplbookpedalers@gmail.com for more information on joining or supporting the library team! 100 percent of proceeds raised by riders will support Wright Library.

Tour de Gem | The Wright Brothers 2022 Cycling Classic is a fundraising cycling event for local Nonprofits to raise money and bring awareness to their important missions. This is a fun, family-friendly way for cyclists of all ages and abilities to have a positive impact in their community and explore the many GEMs the Dayton region has to offer.

To donate now visit: ms-stride.org/tourdegem/donate/team/86

photo of the children's sectionInfrastructure Upgrades Reduce Energy Costs August 8, 2022

While electricity costs are soaring, Wright Library is experiencing a significant decrease in electricity costs as a result of energy-efficient new lighting and HVAC system.

The average monthly use from January to June dropped 47%,  and the average cost decreased by 26.5%. The capital investment will result in long-term savings in the library’s operating budget.

white rabbit in the grassWild Rabbit Makes a Splash  July 10, 2022

Wild rabbits can be white!

No need to catch this white rabbit who is often seen on the north lawn of Wright Library. Rest assured, it is not a lost pet. As soon as the rabbit began appearing outside the library last year, WMPL research librarians made certain all was well.

A few fun facts:

  • While there is still a sliver of mystery, this rabbit is almost certainly a wild eastern cottontail with unusual coloring due to leucism, a genetic mutation that can reduce fur pigmentation.
  • It is not an albino rabbit. Unlike albinism, a condition which effects all pigment cells producing recognizable red eyes, leucism involves partial loss of pigmentation, sometimes resulting in white patches or splotches on otherwise pigmented fur or skin. Note the pale splotches on this rabbits back. 
  • It is not the first such rabbit to live near library property, suggesting the trait is being handed down. Many Oakwood residents are familiar with white squirrels with similar coloring which are certainly not domesticated. 

Who knows?? Maybe a similar rabbit inspired Lewis Carroll to include a white rabbit in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

librarian and patron looking at eReaderTech Tutoring Drop-in Service Now Available  June 15, 2022

Each Wednesday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Librarians are available during drop-in hours to work one-on-one to solve your tech issues. We specialize in library resources but can help with other general computer/tech questions too. First-come, first-served. Can't make our drop-in times?  Stop by the Research desk anytime for help or call to book a sit-down appointment that will meet your schedule.


oakwood bioblitz project screenshot with date and time stampThe First Oakwood BioBlitz Contributed 934 Observations   May, 2022

During the weeklong span of the event, community members identified 446 unique species within the city limits of Oakwood. The library partnered with Green Oakwood, University of Dayton Insect Ecology Lab, and students from Project Firefly at Miami University to host the BioBlitz, the first of it's kind in Oakwood.

A BioBlitz is a community science effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible. Volunteer participants use iNaturalist and Seek apps (which are free) to observe and identify living things they see. Observations are entered into a large data set that scientist around the world can use to answer questions.

The Oakwood BioBlitz was inspired by #PlantWildflowers campaign and the documentary film, My Garden of a Thousand Bees. It was modeled after City Nature Challenge

view of the southeast corner of Wright Library's grounds. a bare patch of earth between sidewalksWright Library Receives Funding to Establish Native Gardens  April 27, 2022

Community volunteers and grant support will establish native plantings and education at Wright Library this spring.

Through the support of community organizations and local citizens, a shade garden on the west side of the library building and sun garden in the southeast corner of the library's lot which will have new landscaping that features Ohio's indigenous plants. 

Learn more >>

text: pollination investigation graphics: simthsonian logos, flowers and insectsSmithsonian Gardens' Pollination Investigation, on display through May 8    April 22, 2022

Explore the who, what, when, where, why, and how of pollination at Pollination Investigation, a poster exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution, on display at Wright Library April 9-May 8. 

Nearly 90% of flowering plants rely on 200,000 species of animal pollinators for fertilization.  Learn more about a few of them—from butterflies and birds to bats and bugs—through pollinator profile posters at the exhibit.

Don't miss the accompanying hands-on arthropod specimens available in the Children's Room, too!

Pollination Investigation was created by Smithsonian Gardens in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural History and made available by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. It is funded in part by the Smithsonian Women's Committee.

Learn about other Wright Library Ecology & Nature events surrounding the Oakwood BioBlitz, April 2022.

mom and girl reading in the library  Logo: rated 4 star library  library journal 2021

WMPL Earns Fifth Consecutive Star Rating  Jan. 22, 2022

In December, WMPL earned a 4-Star rating in the 2021 America’s Star Libraries Report. This is WMPL”s fifth consecutive year as a Star-rated library.

Ranking 12th of 1,211 public libraries nationwide, this achievement places WMPL among the top 1 % of libraries in per capita usage compared to other public libraries of similar size.

The 2021 Library Journal index is based on 2019 statistics and measured how much the local community used key services of their public library compared to peer libraries, including physical and digital circulation of materials, library visits, program attendance, public computer usage, Wi-Fi sessions, and database usage. WMPL ranks strongest in circulation and program attendance, ranking 7th in circulation of physical materials, 4th in circulation of digital materials, and 11th in program attendance.

WMPL received a 3-Star rating in 2017, a 4-Star rating in 2018 and 2019, and a 5-Star rating in 2020.

Shot of three of the posters on display, and another picture of lego creations on displayPoster Exhibit on display December 18-January 18  Dec. 30, 2021

Picturing Women Inventors is a series of eight posters that explores the inventions of 19 highly accomplished American women. Astronauts, computer pioneers, and businesswomen join athletes, engineers, and even teenagers in this remarkable group of inventors. The exhibit is based on the full, ongoing Picturing Women Inventors exhibit at the National Museum of American History.

Patrons are invited to view the display and build their own invention prototype with Legos from the library's collection. The Lego builds will be displayed in the library.

book shop window with Text 2021 book giving guide librarians recommend

WMPL librarians curated a list for holiday book giving   Nov. 18, 2021

“Books make great gifts because they have whole worlds inside of them. And it's much cheaper to buy somebody a book than it is to buy them the whole world!”     -Neil Gaiman

See WMPL's Adult Services recommendations >>

See the recommendations for Teen books >>

See Elementary and Picture Book recommendations >>

patron removing hold from holds pickup locker3 Ways to pick up holds  Nov. 5, 2021

The new Holds Pickup Locker in the Park Level vestibule, offers patrons a new option for pick up of requested items.  

1. Holds Pickup Locker - Request this location when you place your hold. Follow the prompts on the digital screen to retrieve your item after you receive notification that it's ready for pickup. More about Holds Pickup Locker >>

2. Curbside Delivery - After you receive notification that your hold is ready, use the WMPL App to alert staff when you are on your way. Look for the Curbside Delivery button  in the library app, under My Account > Hold Requests. You may also call the library when you arrive and request curbside delivery. More about Curbside Delivery >>

3. Holds Shelf - After you receive notification that your hold is ready come into the library to pick up your items.

note: During construction some collections are in storage—remember Interlibrary Loan services allow you to borrow books and media from libraries throughout Ohio and pick up at WMPL. More about Interlibrary Loan >>

Madcap puppet headless horseman and frightened Inchabod CraneDonors make new experiences possible Updated Oct. 25, 2021

The outdoor performance by Madcap Puppets on October 23 rounded out 3 live performances this fall funded by the Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation: Live Falconry Demonstration, Jacqueline and the Beanstalk by Cincinnati Children's Theatre, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

"Because the pandemic stopped so many normal activities, my 5 year old has never seen a live performance - something I really enjoyed sharing with my older children," one mother said. "It is so wonderful that I can bring him to see this. Thank you!" 

Without donor support, the library would be unable to provide many of the extra educational programs and services that the community values.

More about the Library Foundation >>

Make a donation to the annual campaign today >>

plant experts and community members discuss native plants outside the libraryCommunity Read sparks interest in local community Oct. 7, 2021

A one-hour gathering to discuss native plants and ecology, held on Sept. 29, was inspired by Wright Library’s author visit with ecologist Douglas Tallamy this April and his vision for a Homegrown National Park that will nurture biodiversity and create wildlife corridors through urban and suburban areas. More than 60 community members chatted with almost 20 native plant experts, including representatives from Dayton Area Wild Ones, Deeply Rooted, Down Nature's Path, Five Rivers MetroParks, Marianist Environmental Education Center, Piqua Seed Library, Ohio Lepidopterists, OSU extension, Siebenthalers, and Tadmor Greenes.

Thank you!! I met some great people and learned a lot - mostly who to contact with my questions regarding native plants - what to plant and where to find (buy). Brian A

Learn more about native plants and Homegrown National Park >>

peasant woman in front of beanstalk looking frightened text Jacqueline & the BeanstalkJacqueline & the Beanstalk comes to Wright Library  Sept. 16, 2021

Forget Jack—Jacqueline climbs the beanstalk in this version of the classic tale!  Jacqueline discovers how courageous she can be when she faces both the giant and other villagers’ expectations of her.  

This one-person play is from the Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati, and made possible by a grant from the Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation >>.

Bring your own blankets, chairs, or other seating to the lawn behind the library on Saturday, October 2. Showtimes at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.  Those in chairs will be asked to sit towards the back.  

black and white Tour de gem logo text: the wright brothers 2021 cycling classicThe Wright Library Gem City Riders want YOU   Aug 11, 2021

Do you love to bike and  love Wright Library? Join The Wright Library Gem City Riders or make a donation to support the team in the Tour de Gem: The Wright Brothers 2021 Cycling Classic!

Tour de Gem is a fundraising cycling event for local nonprofits to raise money and bring awareness to their important missions. This is a fun, family-friendly way for cyclists of all ages and abilities to have a positive impact in their community and explore the many Gems Dayton has to offer!

Learn how to join or donate at https://www.ms-stride.org/tourdegem/profiles/team/39

line drawing of van goch wearing a maskLibrary Updates Mask Policy  July 30, 2021

In order to comply with new CDC guidelines, all patrons are asked to cover nose and mouth inside the library regardless of vaccination status.

The following safety procedures remain in place:

  • Staff will wear masks inside the building.
  • Masks are not required for attendees, staff or volunteers at any outdoor programs.* 
  • Staff regularly disinfects high touch areas.

Curbside and home delivery services remain available. Programs will be a mix of outdoor and virtual offerings.

Continued >>

closeup of painted face of natalie clifford barneyDayton Literary Trail Debuts  July 9, 2021

Have you heard of Natalie Clifford Barney? (Pictured here)

What about Helen Hooven Santmyer? Or Milton Caniff?

These three authors are among the 15 writers featured on Wright Memorial Public Library’s new Dayton Literary Trail. 

The trail was created by Kristina Lininger, who joined the library’s staff this year as an adult services librarian.

“For decades, this region fostered an impressive amount of progressive and talented writers – from Wilberforce University and Yellow Springs to the streets of downtown Dayton – such a wealth of talent called the Miami Valley home at some point in their lives,” Lininger said. “And it is in all types of genres and subjects – poets, air flight, women’s rights, and African American plays. Such a fertile area of gifted writers.”

Continued >>

Tour at Woodland Cemetery >>  (event is full)  updated July 12, 2021

text: Help us help you. What;s that called again? take our quick survey Oplin.ohio.gov/survey  photo of a hand holding a word bubble with a ?What's in a name?

Digital Library vs. Digital Content

Research Tools vs. Resources

The Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) seeks patron input in an effort to help library users find resources by standardizing what libraries name them throughout Ohio.

Just 5 quick questions will help libraries help you.


photo of the back of a  woman's head listening to headbuds looking at mobile phoneListen to this- 3 reasons June is national audiobook month  June 2, 2021

It’s natural that national audiobook month is in June, because summer is a great time to enjoy listening to books. Why? Here's 3 reasons:

  1. Summer reading club is kicking off and audiobooks are a great way level the playing field for reluctant or struggling readers.
  2. It easy to mix books with leisure activities like taking a stroll, sunbathing, or gardening when your hands and eyes are unoccupied.
  3. Audiobooks are traveler’s friend—they lighten the load whenever luggage is involved.

Go digital: Ohio Digital Library—try ODL's app, Libby; Tumblebooks—perfect for non and beginning readers; Hoopla—where there is  never a waiting line.

Pick it up at the library: Try a preloaded, compact Playaway— batteries included! Use with headphones or plug into your auxiliary speaker; Check out a audiobook on CD; Wonderbooks are perfect for young readers who like to look at pictures while reading along with the narrator.

Learn more about the benefits of audiobooks >

image of computer keyboard and text linkedin learning with lynda.com content

Access on demand courses from industry experts  May 11, 2021

LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com, brings business, tech, and creative experts to your fingertips. Library cardholders have free access to this powerful platform.

Hop on to find quick tutorials on a specific tech or creative skill. Alternatively, earn certificates for your transcript to further your personal and professional goals.

Choose from 16,000 expert-led courses ranging from beginner to advanced professional development, in web design, marketing, coding and software skills, audio recording and editing, photography, and more.

Login with your library card and PIN >>

*PIN is usually the last 4 digits of patron phone number

binge wright logo with thumbnail photos of dvd groupings like indiana Jones collectionAttention movie buffs, check out Wright Library's Binge Boxes   May 3, 2021

Check out any Binge Wright movie box set for 2 weeks. Each box contains multiple feature films based on a theme or movie series. Box themes range from 90s Rom Com to Thrills & Chills so everyone can get their binge on- kids too! There are 90 Binge Boxes available, including:

Find your perfect binge >>

native garden in a parking lot islandNative Gardens: Local Stories  April 27,2021

This month, Wright Memorial Public Library has invited the community to read and discuss “Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Begins in Your Yard” by Douglas Tallamy.

As part of the community read,  the library sought examples from Oakwood residents who are already embracing the central premise of Tallamy’s book: that homeowners everywhere can turn their yards into conservation corridors that provide wildlife habitats.

Continued >>

More about the Community Read  >>

wall street journal online- displayed on a computer, tablet and phoneOnline Newspaper access is expanded  April 12, 2021 

Cardholders at Wright Library now have free online access to the Wall Street Journal with your library card number.  Access comes in a 3-day pass.  

Start by entering your library card number and PIN here, then either create a free Wall Street Journal account or log in with one you already have. After the 3-day pass expires, simply return to library's WSJ login page and activate another pass using the same WSJ account.

*Access is for Wright Library cardholders only; sign-on credentials may not be shared.

Passport ServicesWright Library Passport Services have resumed  March 23, 2021

Wright Library is a U.S. Passport acceptance facility, where new passport applicants can apply for new passports in person. If you need to renew your passport, you probably don’t need to apply in person. See instructions for renewing by mail

An appointment is required when applying for a passport. You you must bring a passport photo to your appointment.  Wright Library cannot take photographs at this time.

To schedule an appointment and see details about ID and photo requirements visit:

wrightlibrary.org/services/passports  >>

covid rapid test photoCovid Home Tests are available at the library,   March 16, 2021

Wright Library is distributing free, at-home Covid-19 tests as part of an Ohio Department of Health initiative.

Curbside delivery is encouraged. If you are sick or are concerned you have been exposed to Covid-19, please do not enter the library to pick up your test. Call 937-294-7171 for additional information and to request curbside delivery. You may also send a healthy person to pick up the test.

Learn more: https://wrightlibrary.org/CovidHomeTest

flights for allOrder personalized reading recommendations with BookFlight Mar. 8, 2021

A Wright Library BookFlight is a carefully selected sampler of great books based on your reading preferences.

Simply visit the Adult Bookflight page and follow these 4 simple steps:

  2. ORDER 
  3. PICK-UP
  4. ENJOY!

text: wright readers, books in background

What to read? Get an expert's opinion   Feb. 16,2021

Sign up to receive recommendations from Wright Library's adult services librarians.

  • See the newest titles and find out what's trending.
  • Learn about the library's book clubs. 
  • Access curated reading lists, read-alikes.
  • Discover library resources.

Sign up >>

See the archive >>

photo of a wild bird text: the great backyard bird count is on The Great Backyard Bird Count: Meet Wright Library's resident birder  Feb. 12, 2021

For the next four days, people all over the world will participate in The Great Backyard Bird Count. 

Here’s how it works: Simply watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days, February 12-15, 2021, and share what you see at Great Backyard Bird Count online. 

In honor of The Great Backyard Bird Count, we caught up with Wright Library associate Melissa, who began birding a few years ago. We also have a great list of bird-related books and materials, including one Melissa credits with helping her identify bird songs and calls.  

More about Melissa's favorite birds and birding resources >

thank you

Library Foundation celebrates successful Annual Campaign  Feb. 3, 2021

Thanks to contributions from generous donors, the 2020 Annual Campaign to support Wright Memorial Public Library exceeded its goal by nearly $10,000.

Created in 1997, the Foundation was formed to operate exclusively for the purpose of advancing the library's goals, objectives, and priorities.

In recent years, contributions have been used to fund a new curbside book drop, laptops for computer classes; writing workshops and author visits; the Far Hills Music Series; the gingerbread house competition, staff training; the library’s book bike; new early learning toys; makerbox, Wonderbooks, and Playaway collections. 

The Foundation is also a proud partner in the library’s summer reading club, funding books for children who reach reading milestones throughout the summer. 

The Foundation accepts financial gifts year round. Visit wrightlibrary.org/foundation for giving information. 

Freegal music logotext:156million+songs including classical jazz kids and much more image of a phone with freegal ondisplayNew! FreegalMusic service - free with your library card Jan. 27, 2021

Wright Library now offers its cardholders access to Freegal®Music. Freegal is one of the most popular music services in the world, with over 2.5 million users and it is exclusive to libraries.

Download for your phone, tablet, or desktop.

Enjoy unlimited access via download and streaming to over 15 million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. In total the collection is comprised of music from over 40,000+ labels with music that originates in over 100 countries. There is no software to download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. 

exhibit panels featuring Virginia Hamilton and Anna Arnold HedgemanPop-Up Exhibit in Wright Library features Ohio Women Authors   Jan. 7, 2020

Ohio Women Authors, a Pop-Up Exhibit from the National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center

An exhibit featuring Virginia Hamilton and Anna Arnold Hedgeman is on display in the library. Three informational panels with images and document scans from the NAAMCC’s archival collection is supplemented with treasured books from the NAAMCC’s collection (for in-library use only). On display through January.  Extend your learning even farther with a special program for elementary-age children on Saturday, January 23: Who Was Virginia Hamilton?

five-star rating library journal, photo of library exteriorWright Library named Five-Star Library in national ranking  Dec. 28, 2020

"We are ecstatic to have received the 5-Star designation," said Library Director Kristi Hale. "It affirms just how deeply the community values and uses our services and collections.”

The Library Journal index, based on 2018 statistics, measures how much the local community uses key services of their public library compared to peer libraries. Wright Library received a 3-Star rating in 2017, and a 4-Star rating in 2018 and 2019.

The five-star rating is the library's first since Library Journal began the rating system thirteen years ago.

More >

New and improved Wright Library appUpdated WMPL Mobile App  Dec. 15, 2020

Wright Library's mobile app has a fresh look, is easier to use, and comes loaded with many features, including:  

  • Cleaner, more user-friendly interface including an browsable book carousel with featured titles
  • Easier management of holds and renewals
  • One-time login — saves your account so you don’t have to log in each time
  • Ability to store multiple accounts
  • On-screen virtual library card, so you always have your card with you to scan at checkout
  • Improved in-app catalog searching—filter by format, limit search by title, author, subject, and more
  • Easy access to remote printing and other online library resources

If you already use the app and don't have the new icon (blue door with white background) check your device preferences to initiate the update.

Patrons installing Wright Library’s Mobile App for the first time will be able to find it by searching Wright Library on the App Store (for iPhone/iPads) or Play Store (for Android).

Get the app > 

loading pallet of boxes onto truck outside the library

The first phase of renovation is now underway at Wright Library   Dec. 14, 2020

Last week, the library began moving portions of its book collection into short-term storage for safekeeping during the work. The books will return to the library after construction is completed. 

"No fear, these books are coming back," said Wright Library Operations Coordinator Brian Potts. 

Portions of the mystery, biography, nonfiction, and sci-fi collections are being stored off site. Patrons looking for a book that is in storage are encouraged place a hold through the library's Interlibrary loan search in the library's online catalog or via Wright Library mobile app. 

Interlibrary loan provides Wright Library patrons access to millions of titles from other libraries. Borrowers use their Wright Library card to check out the item and will pick it up at Wright Library a few days later.

More about Wright Library's Revitalization Project >

holiday break with wright library, virtual fieldtrips, pro foot ball hall of fame, dr. suess, eric calre, clevelend natural history, ernest warther, and columbus art museumsOut and about with virtual field trips this holiday break Nov. 30, 2020

Go someplace with Wright Library this holiday break. 13 fun virtual trips are planned Dec. 20 - Jan. 6.

  • Pro Football Hall of Fame
  • Dr. Seuss Museum
  • Ernest Warther Museum
  • Cleveland Museum of Natural History
  • Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art 
  • Columbus Museum of Art

A variety of outings are planned to suit families, elementary ages, tweens, and teens.

Details and Registration >

curbside dielivery outside wright library How to use Curbside Delivery    Nov. 13, 2020

Did you know you can have your library materials delivered to your car? Putting books on hold and scheduling Curbside Pickup is a great way to help the library remain a safe place in the community.

It's simple three-step process:

1. Place a hold request

2. Wait for notification that your items are ready

3. Then schedule a pickup time and call (937) 294-7171 when you arrive.

We are happy to put the books in your passenger side or trunk for a non-contact delivery.

Learn more: https://www.wrightlibrary.org/curbside

David Flory as a boy. Text: donor gives $500000 for facility oakwood native says Wright LIbrary greatly influenced his life. Reade more ...Library receives $500,000 major gift for facility  Oct. 28, 2020

Donor credits Wright Library for his love of reading and knowledge of investing.

When David L. Flory was growing up in Oakwood, Ohio, he spent countless hours at Wright Memorial Public Library checking out books and learning about financial investing. 

Flory, now a retired attorney and investor, is giving back to the institution to which he credits much of his life success with a $500,000 gift to support the library’s upcoming building renovation

The Wright Memorial Public Library Foundation is pleased to announce Flory’s gift as the first major donation to a $1.5 million private capital campaign for the building project. 

Continued >

Core sampling in Oct. 2020 near the future Parkside Entrance of Wright LibraryThe Next Chapter: Wright Library Revitalization Project  Oct., 2020

Wright Library is taking steps to begin renovation in early 2021. To be efficient with limited resources, needed repairs and replacements will be paired with updates to better meet the needs of today’s library users. The project is estimated to take about one year to complete.

The 2021 construction will revitalize the remaining portion of the library not renovated during the 2018 historic restoration to 21st century standards.

In the photo: Core sampling taken in Oct. 2020 near the future Parkside Entrance of Wright Library

Read more >

Staff learning to process ILL. text: Find it interlibrary loanAccess millions more titles through new partnerships    Sept. 29, 2020

While Wright Library patrons have had access to interlibrary loans in the past, a new partnership with with SeachOhio and OhioLINK expands access to millions more physical items beyond Wright Library's local collection. If a book, audiobook, CD, or DVD is not in the Wright Library catalog patrons may request it through a statewide consortium of public and academic libraries. Once the materials arrive, patrons will receive a notice via email or phone that the items are ready for pickup at Wright Library. Learn more at wrightlibrary.org/ill.

In the photo, Circulation Coordinator Dianne Tankersley visited Bexley Public Library to learn best practices and safety procedures before implementing the new interlibrary loan system at Wright Library.

5 facts about votingFive things to know about the November 3 Election  Sept. 14, 2020

1. Anyone can vote absentee – you do not need to have a reason. You will need to request your absentee ballot from the Board of Elections, and you can do that now! Ballots will be mailed in October. Absentee ballots WILL NOT be automatically mailed to voters; you need to submit your absentee ballot request before October 31. Do it as soon as you can, and return your ballot promptly to avoid mail delays.

2. You can track the status of your ballot request and your absentee ballot to see if it has been received by the Board of Elections. You can also check your voter registration status and find your polling place. Use the Voter Toolkit here: https://www.sos.state.oh.us/elections/voters/toolkit

3. If you plan to vote in person, your polling place may have changed; for example, many polling places that were located in Senior Living Facilities have been moved to other locations. Check your polling location here: https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/toolkit/polling-location

4. You can vote early in person by going to the Board of Elections during early voting hours. Find more information here: https://www.montgomery.boe.ohio.gov/early-voting

5. The Covid-19 pandemic means many things are different this time around. You should plan now how and when you are going to vote. Lines may be long if you wait until Election Day. Voting early or by absentee ballot may be the best option for you!

***If you are not registered to vote, you have until October 5 to update your registration.***

Forms and information are available at the library and at this website: https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters. If you have questions, librarians are ready to help you – stop by the library or call 937-294-7171.

Fall programs at Wright LibraryWright Library debuts a virtual lineup for fall programs  Sept. 11, 2020

A new calendar of events includes programs for all ages, with some streamed on Facebook and others available through Zoom. Register for Zoom-based programs online at wrightlibrary.org/calendar or by calling the library at 937 294-7171.

New programs include art appreciation, a craft program, and a weekly show & tell for elementary students;  a new group for teens focused on unity and service, and an informal discussion group for parents to talk about education. 

For adults, the Far Hills Speaker Series, which focuses on local history, returns monthly as does a book club, poetry writing group, writing technique series, the Let’s Talk series of discussion on race, and more. 

See more about September programs >>

Text: voting info photo: two form boxes posted outside the libraryVoting information and forms     Aug. 25, 2020

Both voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications are available at Wright Memorial Public Library. The forms can be found outside the library near the entrance or inside by request at the information desk. Library staff are available to assist with voter registration. 

According to the Ohio Secretary of State's office, you must register or update your voter registration no later than 30 days prior to an election. The voter registration deadline for the Nov. 3 General Election is Oct. 5. If you register or update your information after the deadline, the change will apply for the next election.

Both absentee voting by mail and early in-person voting begin Oct. 6.

Absentee ballots must be requested by noon Oct. 31.

More information can be found at voteohio.gov or by calling Wright Library at 937 294-7171.

text find your next favorite book with hand pointing to NOveList in webpage footerNoveList: Find what you love to read   Aug 17,2020

While in-person browsing limited at the library, start using NoveList to target the next titles on your reading list. An abundance of search filters make NoveList a go-to database for avid readers and librarians searching for their next books and recommendations.

Sign in with your library card and search by author, title, series, or genre and NoveList will find your book and offer read alikes based on your search filter. Search by setting, time period, or mood to begin taking advantage of the power of this database. NoveList links to the library catalog showing how many copies Wright Library has in print and electronic versions.  

Not just for adults! Narrow searches by age: adult, teen, 9-12, 0-8, or  search NoveList K-8 for titles filtered for children's/YA titles. Watch a 3 minute video to see a demonstration of search functions in the NoveList K-8.

Aug/Sept cover Oakwood Scene 2020Oakwood Scene Aug.-Sept. 2020     Aug. 13, 2020

Serving Oakwood in the Extraordinary and Ordinary- When Wright Library made the necessary but difficult decision to close its building during the pandemic, few could fathom the impact of the coming months.

Now as the library’s leaders continue to evolve library services to the community, they also must plan for unforeseen budget cuts due to decreased state tax dollars. With the budget projections estimating a 20 percent cut in state funding for 2020-2021, the library is closely watching and reducing expenses as it prepares for the future.

Continued on pg. 10 >

tour de gem , Wright Public Library text and photo of bikeThe Wright Library Gem City Riders want YOU   Aug 2, 2020

Do you love to bike and love the library? Join The Wright Library Gem City Riders or make a donation to support the team in the 2020 Tour de Gem Virtual Bike Challenge!

Tour de Gem is a fundraising cycling event for local nonprofits to raise money and bring awareness to their important missions. This is a fun, family-friendly way for cyclists of all ages and abilities to have a positive impact in their community and explore the many Gems Dayton has to offer!

Instead of an in-person ride, participants will have a two-week window (August 21 - September 6) to ride their preferred distance/route or participate using a stationary/spin bike.

Learn how to join or donate at https://www.ms-stride.org/tourdegem/profiles/team/20

open magazines stacked up

Magazines from Wright Library July 21, 2020

From Vogue to This Old House: Fine Cooking to Newsweek...

Enjoy all of the most recent issues of many popular publications in the comfort of home, including the current newsstand copy. The checkout period for all magazines is 7 days.

Prefer to read on your device? Checkout a magazine from the digital collection.

FAQ's about visiting Wright Library  July 9, 2020

now open in front of libraryWill I need to wear a mask?

Yes. masks will be available if you do not have one.

Is the children's room open? 

No, a limited portion of the library is accessible at this time. A staff member monitoring numbers at the front door will let patrons into the library in the order in which they arrive.

What if I'm not ready or able to come into the library?

  • Hold pickups by appointment will continue at the front door of the library.
  • Oakwood residents who are permanently or temporarily unable to visit the library may participate in the homebound delivery service, Wright to Your Home
  • Patrons are encouraged to use our digital collections when possible. Use NoveList to search by genre, read-alikes, and popular picks to find books you'll want to check out. 

More about the library's reopening >>

6 Alternatives to the summer slide     June 16, 2020person pushing huge ball up a hill

Summer slide is a popular term that refers to learning loss that occurs while kids are on summer vacation. Wright Library's Summer Reading Club is a fun and interactive way to encourage reading and learning throughout the summer months.

Wright Library's Miss Jacqui is collecting other great resources for homegrown education here>>

6 Alternatives >

Oakwood Scene June-July 2020     June 15, 2020

Oakwood Scene Masthead

"Digital Content: Using Wright Library Streaming Services On Your TV Want a movie night at home for free? Use your library card! Many people access Wright Library’s streaming services - such as Kanopy and hoopla digital, on their phones or tablets. But you can also access them on most televisions. Both Kanopy and hoopla can be accessed through TV streaming devices such as Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku, and Chromecast. You can also connect your computer to your TV with an HDMI cable to watch on the larger screen."

Read the rest of the story on pg. 11 of Oakwood's bimonthly newsletter >

**note: Pre-School Story Hour at Smith Gardens listed on pg. 4 is cancelled due to COVID-19**

What's happening inside Wright Library?   June 10, 2020

stuffed lion in a mask using self checkoutStaff is busy preparing the building for a safe re-opening. Here's a sneak peek at some of the changes.

  • Isolated self checkout kiosks
  • Social distance in the computer lab
  • Plexiglass at service counters
  • Quarantine of returned materials

More photos >

Service updates >   

Creating a space for conversations about race     June 6, 2020

old, young, black, white people listening to conversation

Wright Memorial Public Library is committed to providing opportunities for the community to talk openly and honestly about racism.

Central to this effort is our Let’s Talk initiative, an event series that began in 2018 to promote in-depth conversations, intentional community, respect, active listening, and problem-solving among neighbors. 

The tagline of the Let’s Talk series guides the series: Talking about race can feel uncomfortable, but not talking about it allows injustice to continue.

More >

Curbside Return and Pickup   June 1, 2020curbside returns and pickup

Returning Materials
Curbside Returns are accepted 10 a.m.-1p.m. and 2-5 p.m., Monday through Saturday on the Telford side of the library. Extended weekday hours to 7 p.m begins Monday, June 1. 

Placing holds & scheduling curbside pickup
Wright Library is now offering contactless Curbside Pickup for available holds.  Find details about placing holds and scheduling pickup online at https://wrightlibrary.org/curbside or by calling 937-294-7171.

Register for Summer Reading Club      May 20, 2020

puss in boots with a book in front of READSummer Reading Club is a great way to keep kids reading and learning this summer!

Wright Library's team of childhood literacy experts have planned a full schedule of livestream programs and reading incentives to engage readers from pre-K through high school. 

There's a Summer Reading Challenge for adults too! Read books and share how you are safely enjoying your community to earn entries into weekly prize drawings from May 20 through Aug. 7.

More >

Voters approved a 1.5 mill levy for Wright Memorial Public Library  April 28, 2020 

thank you sign in front of wright library"We are very pleased to have the support of the Oakwood community," said Library Director Kristi Hale. "We did not take this issue lightly; we know Oakwood taxes are high, and taxpayers deserve and expect a high return on investment. Now, amidst this unprecedented health crisis, we will need this local tax support more than ever as we face a new round of decreases in state funding."

The 1.5 mill levy will provide Wright Library with needed funds of approximately $475,000 per year to continue offering quality materials, services, staff, and programs. 67 percent voted in favor of the measure.

"This levy will allow us to maintain our 4-Star services as well as repair and update our facility to make it more accessible, efficient, and usable," Hale said. "We are very excited to make our great library even better!" 

More >

A video message from Wright Library   April 21, 2020

It's National Library Week and we miss you! Photo of Wright Library

See if you recognize some familiar library faces in this video update from your friends at the library.

We can't wait to see you back again ... until then, learn how you can find the library at your place! 

Details >  



Find the library at your place: Poster contest  April 18, 2020

tile view of many postersIn celebration of National Library Week 2020, the Wright Library is holding a Poster Contest! Since 1958 the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the United States have used National Library Week to celebrate libraries, librarians, and readers.

“Every year, the ALA announces a national slogan and releases a poster for National Library Week,” explains Jacqui Taylor, Youth Services Coordinator. “We love to encourage patrons to express themselves at the library--to contribute to the displays and art and so many of the choices made at the library. That’s why we are holding a Poster Contest for National Library Week 2020.”

Details > 


When the library building closes, storytime goes online  April 14, 2020 

toddler hands up watching librarian with hands up on laptopBefore the coronavirus pandemic, a normal Tuesday for Sarah Kallile and her daughter Lucy included a trip to storytime at Wright Memorial Public Library. There, Lucy would delight in the music, stories, and playtime led by librarian Karen Mills.

Today, Tuesdays look different. Across town, Mills is in her home, recording a storytime to be broadcast on the library’s Facebook page. Kallile is in her own living room, setting up a laptop so two-year-old Lucy can tune in.

When Wright Library closed its building in mid-March, its librarians began to plot how to move storytimes and other programming online. Mills now leads her three weekly storytimes virtually. Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are watching from home with their families.

More >


Wright Library adds Dial-a-Story April 11, 2020

toddler answering cell phoneDoes your little one have time for a 3 minute story?

Dial-a-Story at (937) 234-7527 to hear a story read by your Wright Library Youth Services Librarians. Save the number in your contacts to have it handy! 

A new story is ready each night at 7 p.m.

Visit the Youth Services page to learn more about library resources that are available for infant, toddler, elementary, and teen learners.

Youth Services > 

During the stay at home order, Wright Library extends eCard access  April 11, 2020  

let wright library come to you get an ecardWright Library has a vast online collection of resources perfect for reading, learning, and passing time during the stay at home orders due to COVID-19. Any Ohio resident without a card to Wright Library is encouraged to apply for an eCard to gain access to the digital resources.

Typically, eCards are intended for patrons who do not already have a Wright Library card, but library officials temporarily extended access to include patrons with accounts blocked due to overdue fines during the closure.

Library staff is answering emails and phones Monday-Friday: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m if you have difficulty applying online. 

More eCard information >

Getting Through This Together Challenge  April 9, 2020

drawing of a house text:getting through this togetherThis Bingo-style challenge presents the best of the library's FREE online resources plus some other fun activities to do at home and the chance to win some library swag!

Download your bingo card. This pdf is chocked full of clickable links to resources and entertainment. Check off the bingo activities as you go.

Once you fill 5 in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally), yell BINGO and submit your card on the Bingo! form, or email it to reference [at] wrightlibrary [dot] org. If you cannot share the completed card by these methods, call us (937-294-7171).  You'll be entered in a prize drawing for Wright Library goodies.

More details >

Applications for Absentee Ballots are now available outside Wright Library   April 8, 2020 

ballot applications in box outside library doorLibrary staff will periodically sanitize the lid and restock the applications, but citizens are encouraged to exercise caution and follow these guidelines from the CDC bit.ly/cdcGuide

Requiest a ballot by submitting an Absentee Ballot Application (due to Board of Elections no later than noon, April 25)

At wrightlibrary.org/vote, find

* How to vote by mail in the Primary

* Printable version of the application

* Election FAQs

More >

Storytime: Helping Kids Understand Why People are Wearing Masks   April 7, 2020

Karen holding a maskDuring the April 7 edition of Terrific Tales, Wright Library's Karen Mills talks directly to children ages 3, 4, and 5 years old about why they may see neighbors, family members, and others in their community wearing masks. 

In the video, Miss Karen begins talking about masks at the 53 second mark, answering questions children may have such as: 

Is this mask a costume?

Can a person still talk when they have a mask on?

Are people who are wearing the masks scary or bad people? 

Will I get sick? 

For parents, she also recommends this helpful resource: https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/3211-why-are-people-wearing-masks-why-are-people-covering-their-faces 

Watch Karen's storytime >

"Free" borrows from Hoopla's Bonus Borrow Collection  April 1, 2020

hoopla bonus logo, finoa movie, flow yoga, two novel coversWho doesn't love something free? Patrons and libraries can thank hoopla for introducing Bonus Borrows.

Bonus Borrows is hoopla's response to increased demand in digital borrowing caused by libraries closing due to COVID-19. This special collection will not count toward the monthly lending limits and is totally FREE for libraries!

The new Hoopla Bonus Borrow collection features more than 1000 popular tittles curated from each section of Hoopla. This collection categories curated by age, interest, and media type: eBooks, eAudiobooks, workouts, TV, movies, comics, and more.

More about Bonus Borrows >

Monday Lunch Doodle with Mo Willems     March 16, 2020

Mo Willems at a deskMo Willems, one of the world's most beloved authors for children, announced a regular Monday doodle session. In a press release Willems said, “I know a lot of you guys are not in school. You’re at home right now, because of all the things that are going on. Well guess what? I’m at home, too. We’re gonna hang out together. Matter of fact, I’m really looking forward to it.”

Monday, March 16 at 1 p.m. EST, kicks off the weekday series of lunchtime meetups where kids of all ages can doodle alongside Willems. The series is hosted by the Kennedy Center where Willems is the current Education Artist in Residence.

Videos will be posted on Willems page at the Kennedy Center website, and students are encouraged to send him questions at LUNCHDOODLES@kennedy-center.org.

View the announcement for this series on YouTube

More about Mo Willems >

No or reduced wait on most digital book titles      March 16, 2020

cloud library logoGive CloudLibrary a try! It keeps all your devices in-sync so you can pick up reading from any device exactly where you left off and if you're looking for literary classics, CloudLibrary should be your first stop to search for well-loved, lovingly remembered titles.

Our digital download apps give you 24/7 access to online material while our library is temporarily closed and setting up your account is easy-peasy. Download CloudLibrary from Google Play or the App Store to get started today and check out our website for more fun and informative apps.

Use this resource >

Use your Wright Library card to access Kanopy Kids!      March 14, 2020

covers of kids books and video available on kanopy for kidsGood news for parents and children from Kanopy!

In response to public library branch closings, Kanopy is now offering a "collection of films that your community can watch at no cost to your library for the next 30 days. Watching these titles will not deduct play credits from your patron's account," plus they're offering unlimited Kanopy Kids access.

 Kanopy offers children’s programming with Kanopy Kids, including educational and engaging videos for children of all ages that promote positive social and emotional development and inspire creativity. Kanopy has partnered with Common Sense Media™ to provide developmentally appropriate age ratings for videos on Kanopy Kids.

Use this resource >



Which storytime is best for your child?      March 4, 2020

toddler hand selecing board booksEarly literacy is at the heart of Wright Library's mission.

Wright Library offers a mix of storytimes throughout the week, plus frequent weekend programming for kids and families. 

Find out which storytime is right for you.

Visit Wright Library's Youth Services page for additional resources for children and tweens and teens.

More >

librarian walking library books to patron's front door Homebound delivery makes a difference      Feb. 26, 2020

Any Oakwood resident who is permanently or temporarily unable to visit the library may participate in Wright to Your Home. Requests can be made by phone or online at wrightlibrary.org/delivery, and the materials are delivered and returned by library staff.

“Many of the patrons we deliver to tell us we’re lifesavers, which may seem a bit much, but for someone who cannot get out, a good book or film, can make a significant difference in their enjoyment of life. Not everyone who wants to make use of the library can physically come to the library,” said Wright Library’s Adult Services Coordinator Brian Potts.   

More  >

Wright Library earns four-star rating      Jan. 19, 2020

Photo of  the front of wright library and a  star library logo Wright Memorial Public Library earned a four-star rating in the 2019 Library Journal Star Library Report, ranking 19th overall among libraries of its size in the nation. 

This is the second consecutive four-star rating for Wright Library. The Library Journal index, based on 2017 statistics, measures how much the local community uses key services of their public library compared to peer libraries. The five services measured are circulation, visits, program attendance, public internet use, and Wi-Fi sessions. 

More >

Attachment Size
7.14.21Dayton Literary Trail.pdf 392.56 KB
elementary and picture book guide 340.59 KB
adult guide 552.81 KB
teen guide 322.36 KB

Source URL: https://www.wrightlibrary.org/blog