Ecology & Nature programs

A butterfly lands on sunlit flowers
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Programs that make a positive environmental impact


Ecology Programs at Wright Library

Wright Library's Ecology Program Series includes talks from naturalists and native gardeners providing practical guides on how you can make a difference in your own neighborhood. Meet our community partners and find resources that inspire you to have a positive impact on the natural world in your own back (or front) yard.

Follow the development of Wright Library's Native Plant Gardens


Ecology images: butterfly, night sky, and trees.

Upcoming Events:


March 23 - Astrophotography. Astrophotographer Jack Bernstein will share his stunning photographs of the night sky and his wealth of knowledge about the stars with tips on you can capture your own night photos.  A Wright Library partnership with Dayton Chapter of Hadassah

April 5 - Mysterious Moths: The Darker Side of Butterflies. Explore the mysterious and captivating world of moths with Jim McCormac, a nationally recognized naturalist and one of Ohio’s best nature photographers. The lives of these fascinating creatures are intertwined with those of native plants, bats, birds, in our local ecosystems.

April 8 - Author Talks Online: The Stories, Science, and History of Trees. Smithsonian Gardens Greenhouse Horticulturalist Matthew Fleming guides us through the secret world of trees as is revealed in the beautiful and absorbing guide to the giants of the plant world.

April 29 - Dark Sky Ohio. Understand light pollution with Brad Kerry, Director of Government Affairs, Dark Sky Ohio.

See the Wright Library Calendar


Past Events: