Meeting rooms available for non-commercial groups
Place an online request to book one of our meeting rooms, subject to staff approval.

Use Policy & Requirements
Before scheduling, please review our Meeting Room Policy. Use of a library meeting room constitutes agreement to this policy and acceptance of the responsibilities and liability detailed therein.
Please also ensure that your use falls under appropriate use, meaning gatherings which:
- are of a civic, cultural, or educational nature;
- are not private parties, profit-making ventures, or by representatives of commercial organizations to advertise or sell their goods or services;
- include a minimum of 3 people;
- do not exceed the room capacity.
A single group can make a maximum of 4 reservations per month, and up to 3 months (90 days) in advance, up to 4 hours per day.
A group representative must sign in at the Main Level desk before occupying the reserved room. If they do not sign in within 30 minutes of the reservation start time, your reservation will be canceled and the room made available for others to use.
To reserve a meeting room for your group, use the link below and select each timeslot you'd like to reserve.
Note: Each timeslot = 30 minutes. Example: for a 1-hour meeting at 4:00, be sure to select both 4:00 and 4:30 to reserve the full hour. You may select a maximum of 8 time slots (4 hours).
After submitting your request, you will receive an automated email confirming your pending reservation. A staff member may contact you directly to confirm whether your meeting meets policy requirements before approving your request.
Room | Capacity | Amenities (please request in advance) |
Community Room | 8-80 people | Up to 24 tables, 80 chairs available Microphone Podium Projector* 65 inch TV screen* Writable projection surface Videoconferencing equipment "Listen Everywhere" Assisted Listening capabilities |
Shank Conference Room | 3-10 people | 2 conference tables, 10 chairs TV screen with HDMI or wireless input* -- adapters and remote control available upon request |
Aberdeen Conference Room | 3-8 people | 1 conference table, 8 chairs TV screen with HDMI input -- adapters and remote control available upon request |
* Connect to this equipment using HDMI or wireless presentation system (Crestron AirMedia)