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Front of the Wright Library building. A classic brick building with narrow windows on either side of the front door and a black shingle roof
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New items in the Library of Things collection. A Wright Library card helps you do more of what you enjoy.
Memory Digitization Lab at Wright Library logo with filmstrip, cassette tape, VHS tape, Polaroid photos, filmstrip, and vintage photos.

Living Well

Programs that guide us toward better lives.


Wright Library welcomes local and nationally-recognized experts to guide us toward better health, finances, and sustainability through a variety of in-person and virtual programs.

Topics include health, nutrition, finances, safety, holistic living, staying organized, and coping with aging or loss.

History Enthusiasts

Historical Heritage of Oakwood, Dayton, and Ohio.


Our history is packed with fascinating tales, brilliant discoveries, and notable contributions. Join Wright Library and local historians as we uncover some "history mysteries" and reminisce on some of Ohio's greats. In-person and virtual programs available.