Students & Homework
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Practice tests for licensing exams (Civil Service, Allied Health, ASVAB, etc.) and academics (SAT, ACT, GRE, MCAT, etc) are found in the Assessment and Training section. You can use access practice tests anonymously, or register/sign in to save your progress and results.
NoveList K-8
Database of young adult, children's and easy titles with a student-focused interface, designed for PreK through Middle School ages
Middle Search Plus
Full text articles from popular magazines for middle and junior high school research. Includes biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection.
Literary Reference Source
Full-text literary journals, literary reference works, plot summaries, literary criticism, author biographies and interviews, and the full-text of thousands of poems and short stories.
World Book: Banco de contenidos
Spanish-language World Book encyclopedia that includes over 100,000 articles as well as images, maps, videos, animations, and sounds.
Explora Secondary School
Topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research, designed specifically for Secondary School (6-12) students and teachers.
Explora Primary School
Topic overviews that provide students with a starting point for research, designed specifically for Primary School (K-5) students and teachers.