President Teddy Roosevelt and Alice: An intimate portrait of a father and daughter

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 06/06/2024 - 7:00pm
  Category Arts & Writing
  Age Groups Adult


Thursday, June 6, 2024 Virtual History Program

Start time: 7:00 PM – Duration: 1 hour

Location: Watch Online

Must register to attend this virtual program

Pictures of Alice Roosevelt Longworth and her father President Theodore Roosevelt

Virtual program on the relationship between Teddy Roosevelt and his eldest daughter Alice

Teddy Roosevelt, and his eldest daughter Alice, had a tumultuous relationship from the start, when he was unable to take care of her due to the childbirth death of his first wife, Alice. A headstrong, privileged child, Alice’s youthful antics soon turned into newspaper fodder as an adult. Join presenter Susan Cannavino for a humorous presentation on this pivotal relationship in Teddy Roosevelt’s life.

About the Presenter

Susan Cannavino, a graduate of John Carroll University, is a retired high school English teacher. Upon retirement she started her company, "Presentations with Pizzazz" for all lifelong learners. Her goal is to educate, excite and enrich the lives of others. She is an instructor for The Case Western Reserve University's Siegal Lifelong Learning Program, as well presenting to various organizations whose members love to learn. She is also a published poet. She welcomes you to this unique educational experience.