On the Trail with Lewis & Clark

  Dates & times
  • Sun, 06/23/2024 - 2:00pm
  Category Play & Learn
  Age Groups Children, Teen


Cincinnati Museum Center Exploration Stations for Grades 2-8

Start time: 2:00 PM – Duration: Drop-in between 2-4 PMChild on left uses a compass. Child on right hold animal horns.

Location: Wright Library’s Community Room


What did Lewis and Clark encounter on their journey to explore the Louisiana Purchase?


Take an imaginary trip with Lewis and Clark to explore President Jefferson’s recent acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase. Use a choose-your-own-adventure game, maps, historical artifacts and primary source material to study the wildlife, unknown lands, and people that the Corps of Discovery encountered on their journey. Presented by Cincinnati Museum Center using "Exploration Station" format. Geared toward grades 2-8.

Made possible by a grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), awarded by the State Library of Ohio.


About the Presenter

Cincinnati Museum Center presents exciting “Programs-on-Wheels” to extend museum education into communities. For more info, please visit https://www.cincymuseum.org/educators/outreach/.