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In partnership with Think TV, Wright Library invites you to participate in a community-wide conversation about America based on the PBS documentary, American Creed. The film features former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, historian David Kennedy and a diverse group of Americans, who explore whether a unifying set of beliefs, an American creed, can prove more powerful than the issues that divide us. Watch the American Creed trailer. American Creed: Community Conversations is a project of Citizen Film in partnership with the American Library Association and the National Writing Project, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Join us for Sworn Again America:Citizenship Fair - Saturday, June 15, 10:00 -11:00 a.m. on the Library's front lawn.
Stop by to celebrate our American citizenship and discover opportunities to make our country a better place! Inspired by the oath taken by naturalizing citizens and featured in the documentary American Creed, Sworn Again America
encourages Americans to become active in civic life. Oakwood Judge Margaret Quinn will administer the Sworn Again Oath to anyone interested. Also on hand, Dayton International Peace Museum, Hall Hunger Institute, and Welcome Dayton. Wright Library will be sharing information about Living Room Conversations, also featured in the American Creed documentary, which provide a straightforward map to help people engage in meaningful conversation with people across the political aisle. Registration available. Drop ins welcome.
Watch the film:
- Watch American Creed online.
- Check out American Creed on DVD from the Library.
- Watch American Creed on PBS Think TV at 2:00 p.m. June 16
Host a Conversation
- Host your own conversation among neighbors and friends. Living Room Conversations, mentioned in the film, are designed to bring together people of differing perspectives and beliefs to connect through respectful and enlightening conversation. It’s easy to host on your own. Remember to notify the Library so we can count your conversation!
- Interested groups can contact the Library to schedule an hour long training session.